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Provides better cooling for the Ender 3 | Download free 3D printable STL models
An open-source Minecraft client written in RUST
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Case with snap-on lid for a single deck of playing cards. | Download free 3D printable STL models
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SDK to build network tools based on Outline components. - Jigsaw-Code/outline-sdk
Embed the contents of a directory in your binary
Хочу поделиться и обсудить возможности использования протокола IP через сети P2P на примере IPOP. Кратко: IPOP (IP-over-P2P) — это программно поддерживаемая виртуальная сеть, которая может быть...
Please provide the following information qBittorrent version and Operating System qBittorrent v4.1.0 Web UI If on linux, libtorrent and Qt version QNAP What is the problem All trackers are displayi...
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Cockpit is a web interface for managing a server. It creates it’s own self signed certificate by default. Here is how to configure cockpit behind caddy to have real certificates instead. sub-domain (https://cockpit.example.com) /etc/cockpit/cockpit.conf [WebService] Origins = https://cockpit.example.com wss:cockpit.example.com ProtocolHeader = X-Forwarded-Proto /etc/caddy/Caddyfile cockpit.example.com { reverse_proxy https://localhost:9090 { transport http { tls_...
“Hey Guys, What Map Program Should I Use?” A Flowchart (of sorts)Note: This document used to be open for comments and suggestions, but I got a large volume of basically nonsense edits that seem to have been misclicks, and had to reject so many of them that it seems google interpreted all the re...
Знаменитая поговорка «вода и камень точит» говорит о том, как даже самые малозаметные, но постоянные и настойчивые действия могут в последствии иметь значимый эффект. Однако это фигуральное выражение...
I've created a very simple and basic html5 audio player, actually not more than:
<audio src="[url-to-m3u]" controls>
but I am facing two problems, this simple audio tag is working on Chrome...